to: Jurassic Jaunts - The ONLY Total Jurassic Experience Specialists - Guided Tours, Walks, free information and advice plus Holiday planning services
- YOU REALLY DO WANT TO BE HERE! - Just watch this 2 1/2 minute video
Let us take the strain and help arrange your holiday requirements and make the most of your Jurassic and Dorset experience.
Visit the Isle of Purbeck and the Olympic Sailing area and learn about its history and geology
Next Walk
Sunday 13 April 2025
Kimmeridge circular.
11:00 start. £5. Contact us for details
So much to see and do in the area
- Learn about the new Broadchurch Trail - and much more!
- Personal Tours to suit your requirements - 1/2 or full day - bespoke tours or check out the routes and details below for options and ideas
Prices are up to £230 for a full day and £130 for a 1/2 day for 4 people
Are you cruising into Portland Port? - Let us take you to Stonehenge or A Broadchurch Tour plus show you some of the World Heritage Site known as the Jurassic Coast on the return journey
E-mail us -, call on 44 (0)7790 474 478 or use the Tabs above or links below for all the information you require.
FREE Jurassic walk routes and details
Enjoy the UK Countryside and Coastline? Julia Bradbury's Outdoor Guide
Quality accommodation providers and information below:
Dream Cottages
Search Dream Cottages Now
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Links to Local Council and Tourism Sites:
Weymouth and Portland
West Dorset